Author: weintek-forum

HMI Database Integration

Equipped with easy-to-use database integration, cMT Series HMIs can send machine metrics, production data or recipes to a database system directly without any middleware system. Those data can then be managed in a larger...


MQTT is a very important protocol in IIoT. It’s light-weighted, open and simple, which is very suitable for transferring continuous data. However the user needs to spend extra cost to plan and maintain the...

IIoT Solution – Cloud Data Centering

With more than 300 communication protocols plus IoT support, Weintek HMI is able to collect data from a variety of different sensors, modules or PLC, and upload the data by MQTT, realizing field-to-center secure...

[Q&A]Smart HMI: cMT-iPC15/cMT-iPC10

Since Weintek released Smart HMI cMT Series in year 2013, the product has received enthusiastic response from the customers owing to its innovative design that provides the best IIoT solution. Among the cutting-edge cMT...