Idle Timeout – Releasing Control Token after a Given Time Period
Control token is a feature released earlier that can ensure system safety by preventing an object to be control by multiple cMT Viewer clients simultaneously. However, sometimes users may encounter an issue where other users are prevented from gaining operation right when the token possessor, having finished operation, does not release the control token. Now, Idle Timeout setting is added to address this issue. When the token possessor’s HMI remains inactive for a given time period, the control token will be released for the next user.
The Idle Timeout setting can be found in Control Token settings page. Please note that when Idle Timeout is set to 0, and when a cMT Viewer client acquires a control token, the control token will only be released upon leaving the page.
Supported software version:EasyBuilder Pro V6.01.02.146 or later versions (download)