Weintek Forum Blog

iP Series Feature Upgrade

To meet the demands for smart manufacturing systems and to provide enhanced data processing features, Weintek is supplementing MT8051iP / MT8071iP / MT8102iP models with new features as follows: The iP Series models have...

Easy Way To Access OPC UA Historical Data

Access to historical data is one of the most important aspects in smart system upgrade and integration. From data/trend analysis, process optimization, failure prediction, to preemptive maintenance, analytics relies on complete historical data availability...

All HMI Ready for EasyAccess 2.0

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought never-before-seen challenges and turned remote work a daily reality for many. As we face the sudden changes, it is Weintek’s EasyAccess 2.0 remote solution that is helping users overcome...

iR-ETN Supports EtherNet/IP

As the industrial network market shares rapidly grow, support for industrial network protocols is perceived as an indispensable capability for industrial automation products, and among the protocols in this field, EtherNet/IP is in the...